Before reading this make sure you don't watch the movie they are not identical!!!
- Donald= skinny teenager with cancer, draws a comic with a Superhero named Miraclemen (he is actually metaphorically Donald), he often thinks about sex
-> attempts suicide
-> a police officer was there so he was unsuccessful
-> his mother brings him to Adrian (psychiatrist)
- Adrian= nice guy, a bit of a loser, his wife left him
- Donald doesn't like him (even steals an expensive fountain pen from him), but Adrian likes Donald
-> They go to an art therapy (in a museum) together for making Donald "happier" (Donald gets kind of annoyed)
- After a while Donald sees a skulpture made by Adrian (NOT AT THE MUSUEM AND NOT PART OF THE ART THERAPY)
-> Donald starts liking Adrian (momment of epiphany)
- Adrians ex-wife actually loves Adrian still but wants to find a better match for her than Adrian
-> Adrian still loves her
- Donald is still a virgin, but wants to have sex before he dies
-> Adrian organizes a prostitute for him
-> he acts like having sex with her (they both scream) but actually doesn't (Donald draws her foot)
- Donald has sex with a girl his age
He finishes the book, gets the fountain as present from Adrian and dies
- Adrian gets over his ex by not answering her text message
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